Tuesday, November 22, 2011

technology blog (the long tail of task 2)

Both of the recommended web-sites seemed to be dominated by advertising and an apparently uncritical attitude to new technologies. The content is mostly to do with popular culture and faddish technologies, which reflects much of the digital surface. My real problem with all of this is the way that form dominates content. Lots of bells and whistles, but little new knowledge or evidence of philosophical or analytical rumination.
This leaves me with the impression that the digital world is often lazy and shallow. Of course, this is not the case in our work as information professionals, where digital technologies are powerful tools for accessing important knowledge. This, more profound, aspect of digital technologies is not reflected in the web-site mashable.com. I would like to see a more inter-disciplinary approach, where technicians and theorists collaborate to debate aspects of the digital world.

For example, while I appreciate the participatory potential of the so-called Web 2.0, I do wonder about the low culture domination of content. Also, is there a problem with too much information, where it becomes more difficult to sort the grain from the chaff?  Also, I have concerns about privacy and ownership of cultural products in the digital realm. I am not so confident about the blurring of public and private space or the idea that everything belongs to everyone.

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